When you order The Sourdough School Prospectus 2023 – 2024 you will receive an order confirmation email in which is a link to download your PDF copy.
If you would then like to speak to Vanessa to help you choose exactly the right course for you we have various options:
You can choose to add to your cart our ‘Course Consultation with Vanessa’. This is a private 1:1 via Zoom for 45 minutes – an in-depth conversation with Vanessa and the cost is £99. This price is refundable against the cost of a course should you then go on to book your place.
You can book a 15 minute chat with Vanessa at no cost.
You will also be given the opportunity to book to attend our virtual Sourdough School Open Day for a small fee.
Once you have downloaded The Sourdough School Prospectus 2023-2o24 please do then complete our contact form to enable us to help you further.
The funds from the Consultations and the Open Day go to our Community Interest Company as part of our social equality programme, donating diversity flour and baking equipment to the patients who have been prescribed our Sourdough Club Prescription Membership, to learn to bake sourdough as lifestyle medicine.